The Fashion Trend Cycle

Fashion is continuously growing and changing fast. Trends come and go. Some stick around, others fade. Trends last longer than others and this can identify how popular a trend is and whether its going to vanish or last.


A trend is something that is popular at a certain period of time. Trends don’t have to just be fashion related, there can be music trends or types of entertainment trends- eg: a certain Netflix show that on the rise at that point in time. It something that if it becomes popular, you start to not a lot more epoeple folollowing it and this results in sculpting out the styles around a certain time and can shape what society acts and looks like.

A fashion cycle is a period of time or life span where in which the fashion exists. The fashion trend will move through the cycle, after it has been purchased and worn, is signifies that the style has been accepted and this leads to creating a fashion trend.

The fashion cycle consist of 5 stages. This being, introduction, rise, culmination, declineobsolescence. Trends will follow through with this cycle, however every fashion trend will go through a different fashion cycle. Some will go through he cycle very quickly and die out. Some stay around longer than others, some are successful and stay around, and some actually make a comeback.

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‘Introduction stage’ is when the trend first comes out or back, its out there and can be recognised though the rend doesn’t start to hit the ‘rise stage’ until the trend actually starts to be purchased and worn. It will rise when it becomes more popular, and then when the trend doesn’t increase in popularity and hits its mark thats when it reaches its ‘peak stage’. Followed by the decline stage where the trend begins to fade and become unpopular, resulting in the trend hitting the ‘Rejection stage’.

There are three cycle types that a trend will play out to be. A trend can be a Fad (short lasting), a Fashion also known as standard (lasts an average amount of time) and then a Classic (stays around).

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A fad is short-lived trend. A fad tends to last for a season or even less. Its a hype at the time but then falls quickly and fades. Sales peak very quickly. New trends come in and take over, due to the trend maybe being quite weak and only popular for a certain time period. They tend to be products that are not worth investing more into as they don’t have the capability to be a classic.

An example of a fad could be leg warmers. These have had their time but now have died out. I wouldn’t class this 80’s trend as  a standard trend nor a classic, they have made a comeback since tho and not to say this won’t happen again though, I doubt that this trend would last very long and it would drop out of style very quickly.

leg warmers

A standard fashion trend is one that is popular and lasts an average amount of time on the fashion cycle for a normal fashion trend, it goes through the whole fashion cycle steadily, however it isn’t iconic like a classic product, its one that comes and goes but not as quickly as a fad. It is a trend that could still be around but not as popular, or it could comeback and may over time have the potential to become a classic.

An example of a standard trend could be a popular type of trainer or a type of top like a polo or turtle neck.

                                        Image result for polosRelated image

A Classic trend is one that will never die. It has been around for a while and has stayed fashionable no matter what. The term classic fashion is when theres a style that lasts for several seasons or even years and can be worn by anyone and they feel comfortable because its a classic item that isn’t too daring but is still fashionable. They’re items that you don’t have to think about, they are easy to style and can trust that they will stay in fashion.

An example of a classic is the white t-shirt. This is a trend that has never died and I believe it never will. Its practical and can be worn in so many ways to create many different styles. Denim jeans are also a classic that I feel will stick around forever. This piece has been around for ages and no matter when and how much you wear them it is always acceptable and still fashionable.

       Image result for white tshirtImage result for classic denim jeans



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